Healing Resonance
Healing Resonance

with kristi borst

... release that which no longer serves you!

Kristi's Blog

Reverend Kristi BorstMuch of what seems so real in this physical dimension is not the entire Truth of who we are and/or what we can do. Over the last decade, I have allowed myself to both explore and expand beyond the physical, mental and emotional boundaries I thought were rigidly in place in this "reality". What I found was an aspect of Self that I had forgotten was there. I offer these wonderings and wanderings as an invitation to see beyond "what meets the eye", MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and "why can't I?" in your life!

Read, ponder, explore the depths of yourself. Although our eyes focus outward, we are primarily here to see and change ourselves. If you want to go deeper in your healing and release more quickly, let's work together. These writings are not short ... but the world is full of insightful one-liners which haven't managed to fully communicate to and shift heart and soul. I remain ever hopeful ... Much love, Kristi

PS If my writing and these healing codes help lift you, consider using the energy exchange button on this page, which helps me fund this site and my open sharing. My articles, initially published for third-party sites, have been reposted here to ensure long-term access. Please consider a like/follow of HealingResonancellc on FB or Instagram to be sprinkled with Love and Light.

Monday, December 30, 2013

The Silent Breakup

I've recently lost a friend who basically just stopped communicating with me. When I noticed a change in her attitude, I was confused and asked her straightforwardly if there was something I had done. She said "no" but I apologized anyway for the to-me unknown offense or action. The distance widened. I kept wondering what had happened.

Today I've finally achieved both mental and emotional clarity/peace on the situation.In pondering the situation yet again this morning, I had a flash of insight as I remembered my own experience/perspective of being with a dear friend and no longer feeling joy in that relationship. The parting of ways was not about her; it was about me and what I needed to do with my time, which I was increasingly learning to value. I really couldn't explain the breakup to her. There were so many layers and levels to the situation.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Letting Go Of Your Grief and Fear of Dying to Really Start LIVING

I truly believe that death is only difficult for the living. To be one with All That Is, able to be with souls you care about, regardless of whether they are on Earth or in the stratospheres ... WOW! Imagine the joy souls (people) in broken bodies must feel when they are released from those bodies. 

The soul lives on dear friends (that which has been made cannot be unmade). Yes, it sheds it's clay vessel ... the physical body; in the cycle of life, "ashes to ashes, dust to dust, that vessels returns to the Earth. This remembering of the Universal Laws of life and death has been so freeing for me.

When you no longer fear death, what is there left to fear? Yes, it's difficult to lose the physical presence of someone you love. However, when you realize and welcome that soul to be with you any time and any place, you can understand how blessed we are for the loved ones who surround us.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Reflections of Gratitude and Shining YOUR Light ..

sun shining onto water through overcast skies 
I have much to be thankful for ... more than words can adequately express! Yet, 2013 has been a year of lessons about releasing any remnants of the program which had me judging myself through the eyes of others. Somewhere along the way this year I heard and truly integrated "what others think about you is truly not your business".