Healing Resonance
Healing Resonance

with kristi borst

... release that which no longer serves you!

Kristi's Blog

Reverend Kristi BorstMuch of what seems so real in this physical dimension is not the entire Truth of who we are and/or what we can do. Over the last decade, I have allowed myself to both explore and expand beyond the physical, mental and emotional boundaries I thought were rigidly in place in this "reality". What I found was an aspect of Self that I had forgotten was there. I offer these wonderings and wanderings as an invitation to see beyond "what meets the eye", MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and "why can't I?" in your life!

Read, ponder, explore the depths of yourself. Although our eyes focus outward, we are primarily here to see and change ourselves. If you want to go deeper in your healing and release more quickly, let's work together. These writings are not short ... but the world is full of insightful one-liners which haven't managed to fully communicate to and shift heart and soul. I remain ever hopeful ... Much love, Kristi

PS If my writing and these healing codes help lift you, consider using the energy exchange button on this page, which helps me fund this site and my open sharing. My articles, initially published for third-party sites, have been reposted here to ensure long-term access. Please consider a like/follow of HealingResonancellc on FB or Instagram to be sprinkled with Love and Light.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

The 8-8 Lion's Gate Portal ... To Infinity and Beyond*

8-8-8 (2024 ... 2+2+4=8)

Lion's Gate Portal image by A Andrew Gonzalez

8-8 (infinity infinity amplified in this 8 year) is a large energetic opening called "The Lion's Gate". I found this image in 2016  ... This artwork by A. Andrew Gonzalez is amazing! Here are some suggestions for mindfully embracing the powerful LIGHT and UPLIFT coming to us through Sirius.

 Sirius appearing on the horizon at this time of year, is one of the major astronomical alignments of the Giza Pyramids and other historic landmarks on our planet. Sit with this illustration, following patterns and watching what you observe. Ask yourself what you see that you've overlooked in the past; blur your eyes and see if anything else comes to your attention. 

 Do not be afraid to look within, because ultimately that is your current abode! If you think about really moving toward more bliss, what has been holding you back via SHOULDS or CAN'Ts or SELF-DOUBT? Recognize each as a limitation of how you are seeing yourSELF and our world. Look closer and consider you may have come here to see and heal these very observations or beLIEf. Find your power to say "Yes, I AM here!" 

Be conscious of what you are creating with your words, actions and thoughts. Focus clearly on what you DO want rather than what you don't want and/or fear. Take the time to listen for/to your intuition ... release preconceived notions on how you receive guidance ... it may not come as pictures or even clear thoughts ... but as longings for change, growth, freedom through a new awareness of things you wish to change about yourself or new interests you'd like to explore. 

This is a time of clearing away what's no longer useful for joy and happiness. Harness the power of the Lion (so often seen as the beast, but loving parent and community member). Think of the meme ~ kitten looking in the standing mirror and seeing a LION. Step toward the light, we have been waiting to see you sparkle ... yes, you are great! Like all new skills, this takes a bit of effort at first, but soon you'll be rising with Ease and GRACE.

In light and LOVE,

Kristi Borst, PhD

release that which no longer serves you ...

Schedule Your Perspective Reboot® Healing Session with Kristi
Kore HealingSM with Kristi On-Demand Sessions
Get a signed copy of "This Little Light of Mine", Kristi's chapter in BE THE BEACON
or of "The Vibe to Thrive" in UNMUTED VOICES, when you buy direct.
Get a signed copy of "The Vibe to Thrive", Kristi's chapter in UNMUTED VOICES
Perspective Reboot
® Podcast, Free Mp3s and Free Videos
Healing Energy-in-Form Artwork
Like & Follow Healing Resonance on Facebook, Instagram and/or
Get "4 Simple Steps for Connecting with Your Inner Peace"

*"To Infinity and Beyond!" Buzz Lightyear, TOY STORY, 1995.

Friday, July 5, 2024

Dive In To LIFE! Live As An Expression of Growth, Expansion, JOY!

DivINe to Life ~ Make a Splash. Healing Resonance llc with Kristi Borst logo. White and tan spotted dog leaps into water with glee.

As I typed "Dive in to Life" onto this doggie image I selected to illustrate this message, I couldn't actually see what I was typing because the font was set to 4 pixels. When I enlarged it, I saw I had typed "Divine to Life" my alignment with the message amplified! How wonderful that "dive in" is held within the word "divine"! I would venture to exclaim ... "here we have another TRUTH (self mastery strategy) hidden in plain sight!

The energy of expansion, growth, experiencing what life has to offer us in this realm is so close ... urging us to embrace life, even calling us. The choice is ours to push that calling back into the depths (consciously or unconsciously), ponder that call, or take that leap. There's never been a better time to shed fear, guilt, remorse, blame, self-consciousness and DIVE IN to life!

I observed a beautiful illustration of this message in action, unexpectedly, delivered by "man's best friend" ... well, actually two of them. 

I spied the two dogs in the distance as Joe and I were taking our first boat cruise of the season (I offer lakefront spiritual expansion and healing retreats in this idyllic shangri-la!). The two black labs were at the end of a dock. One looked anxiously into the water; the second would look in the water, then retreat ... seeming even more anxious than the first. Eventually, the latter looked as though she was going to get off the dock. Instead, she turned back toward the water, charged for the end of the dock and jumped. 

She swam into shore, shook off, ran up the stairs and back onto the dock. Meanwhile the first lab, just watched the other, but was now even further from the edge of the dock, seemingly still unsure about taking a similar leap.

I expected the dog that had dived in to go back to the end of the dock and jump in again. She didn't. Instead she jumped into the boat tied to the dock and ran to the bow, staying there for a few seconds. I watched, now wondering why would the dog get in the boat with no humans around. Soon the answer came and it brought me so much joy.

She emerged from the boat and ran back to the end of the dock. She whipped her head 'round and "threw" a tennis ball out into the water. Then she took some steps back, pausing as if to calculate how to jump, and lunged into the water, nearly on top of the ball. Still, the other dog watched obviously wanting to join the fun, but unable to JUMP.

It's an age-old conundrum ... do we wait, assess, worry, imagine every possible bad thing that could happen ... or do we take that leap, find it's fun, and push ourselves even further, or even take the joy of the leap to an entirely more joy-filled level? Which dog do you identify with? I have learned to root out and illumine my fears, wounds, challenge because there in lies the greatest opportunities for expansion, joy, LOVE!

Take a moment to assess what's holding you back from diving into life, your Divine Life ... the life in which you are guided by the Knowing that you  truly "have nothing to fear but fear itself" (FDR, 1933)! Imagine that the angst you may feel in the pit of your stomach, your solar plexus, your personal power potential, is not fear because you may/will fail, IT's YOUR GREATNESS CALLING YOU to DivINe (dive in) to LIFE!

In THIS NOW, we have so many choices, so many freedoms, and a world of resources. One of the most powerful personal tools I have found in moving forward from our fears is to view them as SELF SABOTAGE. This does require that we OWN that we are not here by chance, we are here by CHOICE. That can be a process of our own spiritual sovereignty and soul empowerment, so give yourself Grace. But allow yourSELF to remember: we've got what it takes (from lifetimes of trials and victories) to be THE GAME CHANGERS in this auspicious time! 

Awareness = The Power of Choice = The Power to Change. See that some of our fears are seeded as burdens from our lineage ... yet I KNOW we volunteered to shut that shit down for those who came before us (and didn't have awareness, choice OR power) and those who will follow! Introspection and insights from a spiritual intuitive can help you understand the root of your "struggles" and more easily turn them into the actual OPPORTUNITY in alignment with Our Highest Good!

Dive in! Make a BIG splash! Yes, you'll get wet and some times you may even swallow a bit of water. Whatever you are looking at longingly, dive into AND PAST the fear that holds you back. Breathe into your stomach, and expand your solar plexus. Transmute the intensity of fear in the simple Knowing of your value, your power, the importance of playing and holding the vibration of joy and expansion within your BEing! Ultimately, life is about the living, the vibe to thrive ... releasing your fears, throwing your own ball into the water, and diving in after it. What fun!

Have we ever heard people say that "Life is too long"? This NOW is your unique and special moment. Understand the choices you have unconsciously been making that are holding you back from living. Again, see fear, self-consciousness, regret, self-doubt and the desire to please everyone before yourSELF as self sabotage! I am here for you if you'd like spiritual guidance, help in releasing denser emotions and ancestral programming, and clarity on what the challenges of your life are trying to provide to you.

"Do not follow where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

SEEze your immense birthright ... an unlimited potential for growth, expansion, even JOY ... hidden in plain sight, yet within your power to overcome and bring the "Purpose" you may be searching for! When YOU are hiding or holding back, you are not connecting with yourSELF!

I see YOU,

Kristi Borst, PhD

release that which no longer serves you ...

Schedule Your Perspective Reboot® Healing Session with Kristi
Kore HealingSM with Kristi On-Demand Sessions
Get a signed copy of "This Little Light of Mine", Kristi's chapter in BE THE BEACON
or of "The Vibe to Thrive" in UNMUTED VOICES, when you buy direct.
Get a signed copy of "The Vibe to Thrive", Kristi's chapter in UNMUTED VOICES
Perspective Reboot
® Podcast, Free Mp3s and Free Videos
Healing Energy-in-Form Artwork
Like & Follow Healing Resonance on Facebook, Instagram and/or
Get "4 Simple Steps for Connecting with Your Inner Peace"


Thursday, March 28, 2024

Discerning Manipulation and Responding from LOVE 😍

If a friend/relative/employer/news story trash-talks another, urging you to do the same, you are being manipulated. What you align with, you become. FB avitar of Kristi

This post got quite a bit of responses on FB. The message expanded, as often happens, into this blog.

Signs of control and manipulation may not be readily apparent to empaths, lightworkers, and souls serving Our Collective by seeing THE GOOD in others and our world. Moreover, those raised within highly dysfunctional households in which love plays out as abuse can lose touch with their own discernment and healthy boundaries. Still others have served as "peace keeper" for so long that our awareness may be clouded. All of these factors can diminish our power, discernment, joy and inner peace!

Despite having reached an age at which I am considered "a senior", I am still learning ... still recovering from a childhood in which my desires, preferences, even my needs were ignored, minimized, ridiculed and even distorted then dictated back to me. Writing and sharing in this way, helps me process, which helps others. Yet again, GOD/Source/Spirit shares "WE are lifting ONE ANOTHER!"

Awareness = The Power of Choice = The Power to Change ...
We are evolving to love, THROUGH LOVE; SELF LOVE is key!

If a friend or relative is putting down another to you, they are likely also talking about you to someone else. Similarly, if they are asking you to be on "their team/side", they likely have other teams which exclude you. This is very manipulative and far from love. When we are unaware of these dynamics, we can end up being blindsided. Remember, the only one we can change is ourSELVES, but often when we change, others in the dance also change.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

A Conversation with Multi-Dimensional Healer Kristi Borst

Person sits in lotus position. The positions of the 7 major chakras are illuminated. Swirling energy background

[This interview was conducted and published by a wellness group in April, 2019. At that time I was a FOUNDING MEMBER. During my tenure, I was thrilled to be cited in their ultimate "BEST HELP" wellness practitioners list! I think I was selected to be interviewed for this feature based upon the significant amount of spiritually-focused and self-help blogs I had written for their site. I've since resigned my membership after personally experiencing lack of integrity in dealing with the organization's primary owner. Today, most of my content has been deleted from their site; but today a Facebook memory somehow guided me to this long-forgotten-to-me interview. I am grateful to share this information with you!. May it  offer insights and clarity on who I AM and what I'm offering. 💗🧡💛💚💙💜🤍 You can read addition information on the ABOUT KRISTI and the Healing Resonance llc Frequently-Asked Questions pages of my site.]

The founder of Healing Resonance LLC with Kristi Borst.

  1. Hello Kristi, will you please tell us about yourself?

Hi, everyone. Thank you for the opportunity to share with you today. I am a natural-born quantum mind-body-spirit-emotions healer. My body, voice, energy, aura, and connection to Spirit/Source/God/Love offer a healing resonance which shifts others to their zero-point of inner peace and balance.

As I work with clients, they are able to jump forward to greater levels of joy and wellness. I tend to shy away from labels because for much of my life and like many of us, I was unknowingly living a smaller version of myself than I am here to express.