We are part physical, part spiritual, part emotional. The world seeks balance ... so many people are riled up.
The earth shakes! 4.1 earthquake today. We are called to GRACE 🫶🏼
Our energy affects each other and even the earth. When people are unaware of their impact or "footprint" OR cannot regulate their emotions (it's energy), our Mother Earth, that supports us on THIS journey, takes the burden.
Just as you are a spiritual energy having a human experience, Gaia (earth) is Spirit having a planetary experience (Suzanne Lie multidimensions.com)
Breathe peace, recognize something that brings gratitude, breathe generosity, anchor love into the heart of the earth, repeat ... [Make the process your own. You may also wish to sign up for my email list and get the "4 Simple Steps for Connecting with Your Inner Peace".]
We are each only responsible for what we personally create, amplify, weave and leave in our path. "When we know better, we do better." (Maya Angelou)
We can each make such a difference. Thanks for your witness for and support of Gaia, nature, etc. If you need support, this is what I offer via Healing Resonancellc! Peace out love 🫶
and so it is,
Rev Kristi Borst, RMT
release that which no longer serves you ...
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