This post got quite a bit of responses on FB. The message expanded, as often happens, into this blog.
Signs of control and manipulation may not be readily apparent to empaths, lightworkers, and souls serving Our Collective by seeing THE GOOD in others and our world. Moreover, those raised within highly dysfunctional households in which love plays out as abuse can lose touch with their own discernment and healthy boundaries. Still others have served as "peace keeper" for so long that our awareness may be clouded. All of these factors can diminish our power, discernment, joy and inner peace!
Despite having reached an age at which I am considered "a senior", I am still learning ... still recovering from a childhood in which my desires, preferences, even my needs were ignored, minimized, ridiculed and even distorted then dictated back to me. Writing and sharing in this way, helps me process, which helps others. Yet again, GOD/Source/Spirit shares "WE are lifting ONE ANOTHER!"
Awareness = The Power of Choice = The Power to Change ...
We are evolving to love, THROUGH LOVE; SELF LOVE is key!
If a friend or relative is putting down another to you, they are likely also talking about you to someone else. Similarly, if they are asking you to be on "their team/side", they likely have other teams which exclude you. This is very manipulative and far from love. When we are unaware of these dynamics, we can end up being blindsided. Remember, the only one we can change is ourSELVES, but often when we change, others in the dance also change.