Healing Resonance
Healing Resonance

with kristi borst

... release that which no longer serves you!

Kristi's Blog

Reverend Kristi BorstMuch of what seems so real in this physical dimension is not the entire Truth of who we are and/or what we can do. Over the last decade, I have allowed myself to both explore and expand beyond the physical, mental and emotional boundaries I thought were rigidly in place in this "reality". What I found was an aspect of Self that I had forgotten was there. I offer these wonderings and wanderings as an invitation to see beyond "what meets the eye", MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and "why can't I?" in your life!

Read, ponder, explore the depths of yourself. Although our eyes focus outward, we are primarily here to see and change ourselves. If you want to go deeper in your healing and release more quickly, let's work together. These writings are not short ... but the world is full of insightful one-liners which haven't managed to fully communicate to and shift heart and soul. I remain ever hopeful ... Much love, Kristi

PS If my writing and these healing codes help lift you, consider using the energy exchange button on this page, which helps me fund this site and my open sharing. My articles, initially published for third-party sites, have been reposted here to ensure long-term access. Please consider a like/follow of HealingResonancellc on FB or Instagram to be sprinkled with Love and Light.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Peace and Joy are Found Within!

Kristi's artwork of a yule tree with inner and outer light
Each of us is LOVE and LIGHT at our core, and this is the space in which we can find an unlimited supply of Peace and Joy. Yes, there can be karmic debts and ancestral burdens as well as traumas in this lifetime which lead us to forget that true essence. But the fact remains,

Monday, November 24, 2014

Being Happier Without The Weight of our Own Expectations

Every day that I learn something is a great day from my perspective. Do you agree? I have just recently been able to see how our own character strengths can also be our weaknesses in our relationships with others. I can almost hear you saying "what?"

Friday, October 31, 2014

Making YOUR World a Better Place

Droplet near water surface of ripples

Our power lies not so much in our body, but in our soul/spirit. I see our physical body as a kind of space suit that is serving to adapt and host our eternal BEing for the environment of Earth. Yet from birth we are taught to focus almost exclusively on the physical body. That's changing as more and more Eastern philosophies and modalities come to the west (yoga, meditation, etc.). 
If people need to "see it to believe it", quantum science/physics might be just "your thing". Quantum physics has begun to explain that which has been unexplained and/or defies logic. [Quantum scientists/physicists work with minuscule particles, smaller than the electrons many of us were told as children were the smallest components of life.] The world has always worked this way ... science is just beginning to be able to formally observe and measure it.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

On the Wings of Angels ~ Know We are Fully Supported at All Times

Although I faced a potentially fatal fall, I find blessings in this experience! Thank you to my guardian angels and the knowing that I have more work to do ...

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Rising Above the Stories of Our Yesterdays

Kristi at approximately age 4 holding balloon. Her grandmother is opening a gift box containing a pocket book. A terrier also peers at gift.
[For some reason, during the Summer of 2017, this blog got over written with another entry. While this still holds a lot of the original content, I'm sure there are deepenings offered here over the original. It's all good!]

Honestly, I have experienced living within feelings of resentment, anger, hurt, abandonment, and betrayal seemingly due to a myriad of external influences. Yet, I have learned/found/embraced and now share a way of  another way of living that has allowed me to BE much happier.

Letting go of the negative has provided me the amazing side benefit of reconnecting with my inner gifts and healing self/others abilities I had forgotten existed.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Two Sides to Every Coin

There are two sides to every coin, but they are both equally important and they are never in competition with one another. Together they are balance and harmony. It is only our perception and reception of the coin that determines whether we prefer HEADS or TAILS. Neither is positive; neither is negative.

How often do we assume something that is happening is "good" or "bad"? It's normal, right? It's how we've been raised.

Friday, June 27, 2014

I Don't Resonate With That ...

Still life I painted as a teen ~ "You need dark areas to show light."
If you have not already done so, I'd suggest you read my earlier article on the gifts of judgment!

Recently, on a segment of Perspective Reboot® with Kristi Borst1, I shared my perspective that our judgment of "another" is never really about them. This understanding was integral to my owning "what others think of you is none of your business." Imagine living without the affects of others' judgment upon you!?!

Saturday, May 31, 2014

With Animals' Assistance

In the last couple of years, I have realized not only our connectedness to one another as humans, but also our connectedness with ALL of life ... the animal and plant kingdoms, the Earth, the Universe, the Cosmos and beyond. When we have our "eyes" closed to the cues and messages from these Sources, we can feel like we're operating "in a vacuum". On the other hand, when we can expand our awareness and be like a child viewing life with curiosity and adventure, life becomes more fluid and we can feel much more supported.

I don't know when it happened, but at some point in the last 100 or so years of industrialization of our society, we learned to value technology over Nature. Yes, we've gained a lot in that time, but we have to realize it's been at a cost. The good news is that the support is still there, just awaiting our discovery, wonder and exploration.

This morning I was reflecting back on how animals' messages and appearances have helped awaken things on a soul level for me. The most memorable of these is my encounter with an American Bald Eagle while driving my car at 70 mph down the highway. Not wanting to hit him, I telepathically asked him to fly; he instantly began to take off toward my car. There was a moment in which the eagle was all I could see. In that instant, my life changed. It was subtle at first, but something was awakened that was waiting for this moment in space/time. The question for me now is not "was that eagle there for me?", it is "how many more subtle signs was I missing?"

Saturday, May 3, 2014

You Have and Will Continue to Make A Huge, Untold Difference in this World!

Source Wikimedia Commons
Remember when we were kids and ALL the Christmas lights would go out because one bulb was blown. You (or some adult) had to go through the string until the one blown bulb could be located and replaced. Tonight I was thinking about how important each of us is and the Christmas lights "back in the day" seemed like a wonderful analogy to our interdependence.

We are each here to be the light and the essence that only we can be. We are so interconnected, and each so important to the whole. Just as the one bulb can cause the others to remain unlit, the one replacement bulb enables the others to light. Just think for a moment about the ways that you have touched others' lives, both directly and indirectly.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Is it LOVE or FEAR? What Will You See? What Will You Own?

The focus of my Perspective Reboot® with Kristi Borst radio segment today was "You Cannot Change The World, but When You Change the Way You See The World, The World Changes." So why is it that we think we know ourselves but we really don't? How can we get to a point in our lives and realize we really don't know what we want and who we are? As some point along our paths (or perhaps at most points along our paths) we have drifted from knowing we are Divine, magnificent, unlimited and amazing to becoming stuck in a game of "today we're good"; "today we're bad."

When we realize that much of our judgment toward ourselves and toward others is based in fear, we can step back unemotionally and assess if that concern is even still valid for us. It could just be an old 8-track looping through our minds. Many times it's an "I'm not good enough" or "I don't want to stand out" track that we really need to shelf. Yet, when we can bring thoughts and fears which are no longer serving us or protecting us into our conscious minds, we have amazing opportunities for growth. It is in that moment of conscious clarity that we become Creator of past, present and future.

During the show I illustrated this point by talking about my toes. For most of my adult life, I was ashamed of my toes. In fact, despite some genetic resemblance to other family members' feet, I thought my feet were ridiculous looking. For me, it was the second toe on my right foot. Longer than the toes beside it, it made me feel freakish when I was bare-footed or in sandals. All I could see when I looked at my foot was that one toe. And, like most things that we have assessed and cataloged, I never really looked my foot with open eyes again.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Perspective Reboot® with Kristi Borst

This-past week I launched my debut segment of Perspective Reboot® with Kristi Borst on TransformationTalkRadio.com (links to LISTEN LIVE and PLAY archive are available on the "Radio and MP3s" page of my site). The focus of that first segment was "Seeing Ourselves As More Than a Physical Body" and in discussing that, I wound my way through my own journey and what is Perspective Reboot®?

Seeing myself as more than a body ... realizing I am an eternal Divine aspect of Source Energy having a human experience was a cornerstone in my own personal expansion. It was one of my earliest and largest steps in seeing myself beyond the roles and boundaries which had contained my life rather than allowed me to be all that I can currently express. It was critical in fact in my journey back to Self and what I share as a Divine connection which enables others to quickly release physical and emotional pain.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

You'll Always Win the Race When You Avoid Spin Outs

©Jim Garrahan

Do you ever feel like your life is out of control? Everywhere you look you find drama and struggle. Life is not easy. "Why me?" you ask. Perhaps it's a question of perspective. Are you keeping your "eye on the prize"? Or are you watching what everyone else is doing? Judging? Comparing? Basically, spinning out of control and, in the process, taking yourself out of the race.

I'd like to suggest that changing your focus from the struggles to the victories will results in your being much happier. How do I know ... I've experienced it myself!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Life Is Meant to Be Savored ... YOU Are Worthy!

I recently had a birthday and my friends and family flooded my facebook page with birthday wishes. As the day progressed I literally felt as if I were in the middle of a birthday bash. I wanted to give something back ... to share the love I was feeling. I found a photo online of some beautiful cupcakes and placed this as the cover photo on my "wall". I invited everyone to take a cupcake.

It amazed me that more than one person said that they thought the cupcakes were too pretty to eat. These were not even REAL cupcakes, these were digital representations of cupcakes. I had offered them as a visual smörgåsbord, inviting my friends to, at a minimum, enjoy their colors and designs, but also thinking people might venture to explore what their taste and texture may be.

I, honestly, never expected that people would feel unworthy of this gift, because that is what I see at the core of this "that's too good for me" reaction. I see this sometimes in the intuitive healing work that I do ... an individual doesn't think they deserve to be well or happy.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

That's a Wrap ...

I wish that each and every person realized the power that she/he holds within ... a power that's just waiting to be realized. Many times we are held captive not by outside forces, but by inner dialog which holds us down and keeps us small.

We truly hold the key to our own release from captivity.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Uniquely Perfect Snowflakes

Snowflakes ... I think perhaps everyone has heard that they are each uniquely perfect and individual in their expression of form. Yet each is merely frozen water. Unfortunately, when snowflakes are viewed with the "naked eye" their exquisite geometry is just a blur. When you look at snow that blankets the ground, you cannot see the beautiful intricacies of each flake nor the way the flakes are joining together. Such a shame, I am reflecting, as there is such a beautiful analogy in this example of snow.

We, too, are uniquely beautiful, multifaceted, and fascinating. Many times our human eyes cannot see the exquisite perfection in our BEingness! Yet, the blanket called "humanity" that we create together is mysteriously and intricately woven. I want to share how this dance we call "life" provides myriad opportunities to not only sparkle in our own unique brilliance, but to also influence and help others, as they influence and help us.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Year!

I am SO happy that we were able to transition from 2013 to 2014 without any major fear and/or hysteria in the group consciousness as had been true at the end of both 2011 and 2012. Nearly everyone I spoke with was actually excited about 2014 and optimistic about the year-to-come.

Personally, over the last couple of years, I have chosen to see so many wonderful signs that our world is shifting to a more enlightened, positive environment. The way 2013 passed into 2014 has been my icing on that cake. I KNOW that, not only 2014 as a whole, but each and every day there are opportunities and choices to be amazing!