When the Earth rumbles, most people panic
Many call these “crazy times”, and things are surely changing. But when we look at nature and other creatures on our planet, there is peace. They “know” that all is well. Things ARE changing. A tiny virus has shown us that we are a world without borders and what happens on the other side of the world DOES matter. We are connected. We all matter!
Things that have been hidden from view (and/or that we have consciously and unconsciously avoided seeing) are coming to our attention. We must look, not with scorn or finger-pointing, but with compassion for ourselves and "the other".
Sometimes, on the surface, things look bad, dire even. This IS and has always been true. Moreover, we will see what we look for and expect. The more narrow our expectations, the less we see what’s in opposition to those expectations, and that further reinforces our beLIEf in what we will see!