Healing Resonance
Healing Resonance

with kristi borst

... release that which no longer serves you!

Kristi's Blog

Reverend Kristi BorstMuch of what seems so real in this physical dimension is not the entire Truth of who we are and/or what we can do. Over the last decade, I have allowed myself to both explore and expand beyond the physical, mental and emotional boundaries I thought were rigidly in place in this "reality". What I found was an aspect of Self that I had forgotten was there. I offer these wonderings and wanderings as an invitation to see beyond "what meets the eye", MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and "why can't I?" in your life!

Read, ponder, explore the depths of yourself. Although our eyes focus outward, we are primarily here to see and change ourselves. If you want to go deeper in your healing and release more quickly, let's work together. These writings are not short ... but the world is full of insightful one-liners which haven't managed to fully communicate to and shift heart and soul. I remain ever hopeful ... Much love, Kristi

PS If my writing and these healing codes help lift you, consider using the energy exchange button on this page, which helps me fund this site and my open sharing. My articles, initially published for third-party sites, have been reposted here to ensure long-term access. Please consider a like/follow of HealingResonancellc on FB or Instagram to be sprinkled with Love and Light.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

I Have Faith!

BE in that space of FA I T H in which all is well. Surrender unto it. BE. In doing so, you help lift not only yours but also the consciousness and vibration of the whole.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

No Time, No Room, No Need for the Pain!

The central theme of “Haven’t Got Time for the Pain” co-authored and sung by Carly Simon seems fitting as the synopsis of this sharing, clearing message. Wow. I loved that song when I was a sad and lonely teenager. I dreamed of that day when someone would love me to the depth that I wouldn’t have time for the pain. As with most things that bring us true freedom, it is an inside job!

Why do we have time for the pain? Why do we hold space for the pain?

Monday, October 3, 2016

Be Alert ... Your Life's Purpose May Come on the Wings of an Eagle

When You Are Sleeping, Sometimes It Takes a Special Messenger to Awaken You <3
In 2010, after 25 years as a sole proprietor of my one-woman ad agency, I started to wonder if this career was what I wanted to do for the rest of my adult life. I felt there was something more, something I needed to do, something more fulfilling. Yet I had no clue what that something was.

So, instead of focusing on the details (what, when, how) I focused on the feeling. I knew I wanted to help people. This had always been at the core of all of my work. I focused on how I would feel when I was helping others. At that time, I knew nothing of the Laws of Attraction and/or manifesting.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Moving Forward Knowing We Shall Rise Above

"Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to just try one more time." Thomas Edison

Many times when we encounter struggles, we are actually moving forward to bigger, better, happier ... but in order to arrive at that destination, we must keep on keepin' on!

Fears, hurts, regrets, even loved ones can tend to paralyze us within the struggle. We feel so terrible we may believe we cannot continue.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Will We Ever See Eye To Eye?

This is one of my favorite photos that my sister-in-law captured at Joe's and my wedding in 1980. It captured a magical quality which was surely present that day. What it doesn't show you is that when I said "I do" I didn't believe that our marriage would last forever.

While I told myself I believed in happy endings, deep inside there was a wounded girl who did not; she believed the fairy tale would end. Somewhere from childhood to adulthood, she'd abandoned her dream of having two daughters.

Our love was solid, real, nurturing ... the best thing to ever happen to me! We renewed our marriage vows on our 10th anniversary and started our family two years later. We've been in a nurturing/harmonious marriage for nearly 36 years now, together 40 years this-coming September.

Spirit spoke to me when I met this man "he's The One", and fortunately neither of us (more specifically me) sabotaged that calling.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Facing Our Fears Is the Doorway to Greatness!

This-past Sunday as I was driving to Palm Sunday service, I received "Facing our fears is the doorway to greatness. Your fears are the key to unlock the next greater version of you." Then at service, the opening prayer included this passage from "Gethsemane" by Rev. Ed Townley.

"We may sometimes feel locked in spiritual paralysis, afraid of the unknown—and even afraid of our fear! But the fear is really a sign that we are feeling guided to step beyond our comfort zone. The choice is always between the anxiety in mortal mind and the loving certainty of spiritual Truth. When we choose to follow our Truth, we dissolve the paralysis and step forward with confidence and love." I knew this message needed to be shared!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Allowing and Trusting the Ebb and Flow of Life ...

kristi borst original image Ebb and Flow. Moon set over ocean.

There's a definite ebb and flow to life. As I look out my window and see the snow that makes me want to stay inside, I think about how little time I spend indoors in the summer. Summer, I think, may be a time for us to expand, express, expend our light, reach and energy. 

Winter is a time for going within, seeing where we are going and assessing what shifts we may need to get on track. It's probably not coincidence that our New Year reflections also happen during this introspective period (I can almost hear the Snow Birds saying, I don't have to stay inside.) Perhaps it's really important for us to have the ebb and flow ... to take the time to renew our goals, our vision of ourselves, our vision of the world we are co-creating. To be with Self, to cozy our nest, to dream our dreams so we know where we are going to plant our seeds.