As we approach 11/11/21, there are many awarenesses presenting to me. There is definitely an over-arching theme and calling for an awareness
of our stance and use of the male and female energies within our being. Many times, Spirit vision/messages/analogies "speaks to me" through the Divine Feminine.
This message and sports analogy feels markedly different and yet so yummy! It was exactly what I needed, what my client needed, and, I can only imagine, what many others of us need.
As we look at all the 1's in this date, it doesn't take a master to appreciate this is about beginnings. When we compare it to this date in 2011, we may feel it's a sort of do-over of the energies that were presenting. If we add the digits of 11/11/2021 we get "9" which is also about endings. But this is more of an amplification and also an urging for quantum leaps!
We are nearly 10 years into the RE-emergence of the Divine Feminine energies, benched or side-lined from our civilization for so many years. With each light that awakens within humanity, male and female energies are coming more into balance and manifesting here in our physicality.
Hey, you're up to bat!