Last night as I was driving home on a back road, radio blasting, PT Cruiser top down, I glimpsed movement near the opposite side of the road, up ahead a bit. I slowed down as the figure became clearer to be an opossum. As my 3000+ pound, 80’s rock-blaring vehicle approached, he/she was not at all deterred from his/her mission to cross the road. I slowed to a complete stop within feet of the critter. This morning, I started reflecting on the incident and the message I could see from this lil’ guy.
How often do we get so focused on the “prize” or our initial goal that we lose our sense of contact with the present moment? And in that present moment, there are external clues, inner proddings, and opportunities to stop and pause and reflect on whether or not we are taking the route that’s best for us.
The route that will not only ensure we get to the end prize in one piece but also have fun along the way. Just think if he/she had stopped for a moment and let my car pass. He/she would have had a totally different experience of crossing the road.
Perhaps they even had a sense before the first foot was placed on pavement that the time was not right, but they stepped forward anyway. I’m certainly not suggesting embracing a hesitancy to embrace all that life has to offer. I’m suggesting something much greater...an awareness that in every moment we have a choice of how to respond to life.
We can plod along as though we have no choices in life, or we can be aware of what life is offering us in every moment. So, "playing dead" (one message from opossum animal spirit) or pausing for a few seconds to recognize and contemplate your options is also beneficial. Even unconscious choices are choices.
Ultimately choices abound until you collapse them into singularity ...
We have to be conscious and present to receive the messages and "signs" that are there for us. Many times they help us to hone in on our own intuition we may be negating. To date I've shared a couple of powerful messages delivered to me via animals. Yet, I wonder, how many furry and feathered messengers did I miss when I was too busy or just unaware.
We are so supported and loved in each NOW! Be present. Ask questions. Discern your Truths!
release that which no longer serves you ...
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