Our mindset is much more important than we have been taught. What we experience, our "reality," is interwoven with our expectations, perceptions, choices, thoughts, emotions, beliefs, etc.
Happiness is always a choice within reach. As we see(ze) small choices, we can expand and grow to become more powerful and self-masterful. Here are some prompts to help you shift your experience in this NOW, the moment you have control over! Utilize these mindsets to shift aspects of your life that lead to unhappiness, allowing you to springboard forward.
Awareness = The Power of Choice = The Power to Change
How can I become more aware of myself and my innate power?
A very pivotal mindset is AWARENESS; that is, becoming more aware of our SELVES. Who are WE? What "makes us tick?" Often, we are too focused on changing, criticizing, or envying others. That external focus is both frustrating and distracting. The only one we can really control, and change is the ONE we are here to BE!
Am I letting the actions or inactions of others dictate my happiness?
Many people have been taught to avoid their feelings, go, go, go and not listen to that still small voice of inner guidance. Yet another reason our focus goes to others. When we see we are each at the center of our own perceptions, it is self-centered and unrealistic to expect another to put us at the center of their decisions and actions. We need others in our lives, but it is not their responsibility to "make us happy." Seek and find your inner balance by changing the things that most easily lead you astray.
What decisions am I making or avoiding that are imploding my happiness?
What are we thinking, focusing on, choosing, amplifying, or negating? In each day, we make many choices, most without consideration. Being present, allows for conscious choices, hence MORE choices. It's your time to see ways that you have unwittingly chosen unhappiness. Make choices that align you with happiness and let that ripple out into our world. Conscious and intentional decision making will catapult you from actor to playwright within your own life! You CAN change the script!
Where do I continually get stuck in "old stories" of pain?
How am I letting unhappiness take my life's gift, THE PRESENT?
How have you gotten stuck in something that was meant to SHAPE rather than DEFINE you? From a higher perspective, perhaps we were never really meant to suffer. In this moment, we have a choice to hold onto pain or to heal it AS and THROUGH OURSELVES, not only for ourselves, but also for our bloodline and our collective! We can heal our past, present and future that's a powerful choice, this time taking us from victim to champion! Really look at your self-limiting beliefs or "stories," seeing them from different vantage points. In every challenge is also great opportunity for growth, expansion, and happiness.
Where are my greatest opportunities to connect with
self-love, inner peace, balance?
A great prophet, RUMI, observed that "the wound is the place that the light enters us." Light has the most effect on a dark space! Rather than hide or avoid the shadow parts of yourself, flood them with love. The more light we embody, the healthier our body, mind, spirit. If you cannot love yourself in this moment, find an innocent child self and love, nurture, honor them unconditionally!
How am I underestimating my value?
How am I living a smaller version of myself?
While it's a misnomer that "you only have one life to live," you should definitely see(ze) the opportunities within THIS LIFE. What labels have you accepted that hold you back? Each morning is New Year's Day if you decide to step into your BEST LIFE! Quite frankly, if you weren't important in the grand scheme of things, you wouldn't be here.
Am I fostering and creating what I DO or what I don't WANT?
We are co-creating this reality, so we need to be mindful. We rarely create what makes us happy when we are vibrating to fear. Love is life's ultimate building block. Empower yourself and others with intention and attention, envisioning the best outcomes. Create what you DO WANT from a space of LOVE.
If I imagine myself on a quantum wave of unlimited potential,
how can I ride it further?
Perhaps one of our greatest shortcomings as humans is that we self-sabotage our happiness. Any time we lack confidence, feel unworthy, play it safe, we are short-changing ourselves and, consequently, our world. As we learn to accept and expect more for ourselves, we begin to accept more of the abundance that has always been there. Riding the wave further just takes seeing how we are self-sabotaging. What beliefs have collapsed that wave? What adjustments can be made?
Where have I overlooked my blessings and successes?
How can I amplify my gratitude?
Celebrate your successes! We tend to focus on the small percentage of things in life that are going wrong. Instead turn toward the myriad things that are going great in your relationships, work, hobbies, etc. Gratitude is a powerful gateway to happiness!
Am I waiting for happiness or putting conditions on it? Do I say, "If only X-Y-Z happens OR when Z-Y-X happens, I'll be happy"?
There is an ebb and flow, a yin and yang balance, to life and we can be happy through it all. The only time you are guaranteed is this NOW moment. Why delay happiness? You do not have to constantly DO, GO, ACHIEVE. There is a time to sow and a time to reap. Celebrate the ebb! The flow will seemingly return more quickly when you are happy. Ultimately, you have the power to create what you seek!
Imagine a window on your heart. Lift the sash and let the light in. Let it ignite your joy, so it touches the Earth. Open yourself to the love that surrounds you always and in all ways. You are never alone. We are ALL ONE, connected through love!
Let me know which mindset(s) assisted and where you'd like additional support. Sometimes the hardest thing to see is ourselves! Learn more about my Perspective Reboot® spiritual guidance energy healing and Kore Healing (SM) audio sessions to level up to more joy and wellness!
And if you'd like a little extra help, simply click on the image below to reach out to me.

In love and light,
Receive "4 Simple Steps for Connecting with Your Inner Peace"'
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