As eternal souls, consciousness, energy having a human experience on this beautiful planet, we hold and have access to infinite Knowledge. Through visions, messages, and healing deep-dives, God/Source/Spirit/The Universe has shown me a well-spring of timeless wisdom.
I know that as mere, even fragile newborns, we were aware of so much and yet unable to express it except as LOVE. Perhaps a soul-level recognition of this wisdom and Truths is an aspect of the somewhat universal appeal of babies!
Yet as individuals, we rush forward! We grow bigger, eagerly aiming for adulthood. We long to
grow up; happily abandoning wonder, glee, non-physical "realities" we are told are "not real". We happily conform to expectations and limitations placed upon us, agreeing to live, express, embody a smaller and smaller essence of Truth and our soul signatures. We become more and more disconnected within to Truth, Love, Higher Guidance.
And yet, we came to bring and live Truth! We can to be this ONE that only we can be! This is why much of my work and self-expansion focuses on Inner Child Healing and Reconnection.
There are parts of us (perhaps long hidden) which are needed here. The time is NOW to SEEze your power to change the world, first within yourSELF and then outward.Open your heart, knowing it's never too late to rediscover and experience life with child-like wonder. I can help you find your personal roadmap to more joy and wellness!
"You're out of the woods
You're out of the dark
You're out of the night
Step into the sun
Step into the light
March up to the gate and bid it open, open ..."
It's time to dance your life xo
The bonus "4 Simple Steps for Connecting with Your Inner Peace", linked below, is an audio process (mp4) and illustrated guide for more rapidly connecting into your heart space. I've recently also added "10 Mindset Tips for Happiness"!
When we focus only on BLACK or WHITE, RIGHT or WRONG, GOOD or BAD, etc., we miss the rainbow of magic and miracles available within and through the spectrum in between polarity and duality!
Kristi Borst, PhD
release that which no longer serves you ...
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