Life can swing “full circle”, yet this is not always seen in a favorable light. We fear endings, not fully REALeyesING that they herald new beginnings! CHANGE, that coming full circle of perspectives within ourselves our relationships our world, are the REVOLUTIONS that carry us through our EVOLUTION, individually and, perhaps more importantly, COLLECTIVELY! We are on a spiral which prods us gently forward ... away from old patterns, self-condemnation, disempowerment. Let go and enjoy the ride!
We are made of DNA that we’ve seen illustrated as a spiral. Our natural building blocks follow a spiral like the Fibanocci sequence (1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 …), the hands on our clocks spin, the planet Earth is revolving, our solar system is spiraling through time and space. LOVE calls us forward in this gentle way. Yet we miss the signs because we are looking backward or in fear about the future.
We hold fast to old ideas, programs, concepts, anger, hatred, judgment. We “dig in our heels” and experience pain; when we recognize the spiral of evolution it’s clearer we just need to let go.
THANKS-GIVING and gratitude are amaZING perspectives that can lift our vibe and help us to thrive #thevibetothrive! The more you look for goodness, the more goodness you will see and experience!
Gently or radically, shift your lens/perspective … GRACE, THANKSGIVING, GRATITUDE … energies that carry us forward, through self-awareness, along LOVE’s lazy-river! Enjoy the ride by making it more comfortable for others … your blessings will multiply!
Kristi Borst, PhD
release that which no longer serves you ...

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