I sat down in dawn’s early light to make notes for the attached video from my FB Live Wellness Moment. As the sun came through the window, this beautiful rainbow illuminated my note pad. I took it as a sign of LOVE, assurance, trust, gratitude … peace.
Life/nature shares signs of positivity. How often do we miss these light-filled signs?
All Is Well
For much of my adult life, I missed life’s signs that All Is Well. I based my happiness upon what the media was telling me, what I perceived to be the rejection/acceptance of me by others, how busy I was … heck, even based upon whether the sun was shining or it was raining.
Eventually, I started to see the balance of life. I opened my awareness to rain’s gifts upon all life in our world. Now, when I initially perceive a negative situation, my Higher Knowing moves me to seek out and find the gift. This is a huge win-win strategy for finding peace and understanding that in each moment All Is Well!
The Ebb and The Flow
There are so many beautiful lessons of peace in nature. Just go to the ocean or a large lake and listen to the ebb and flow of the water along the shore …. ahhh! There is also a rhythm of Ebb and Flow to life.
In the USA, and perhaps in much of this “modern world”, do-do-do is our focus/mantra. We are asked from the time we are teens “what are you going to do?” There is so much focus in our world on the Flow. “Go with the flow.” “Be the flow.” “Trust the flow.”
Peace is in Being
Is do-do-do the ultimate state of being? Is this where we find True Peace? NO! What if our focus on doing and ignorance of the value of Being has limited our peace?
“Go with the ebb.” “Be the ebb.” “TRUST THE EBB.”
The video message includes my sharing that I became a sole entrepreneur 35 years ago. My business experienced major Flow and then would crash into the Ebb. Without awareness or understanding of the balance of life, rooted in a belief that I could only be of value if I was doing and earning money, and lacking the faith that All Is Well that I’ve earned through hindsight, I WOULD GO INTO PANIC MODE!!!!
I have learned to not only trust but also to EXPLOIT the ebb of life. Where is the opportunity hidden in plain view as a challenge?
The answers are there, illustrated so beautifully by our Mother Earth … the ebb and flow, day and night, winter and summer. A season of an explosive new life always follows the period of dormancy.
Receiving in The Ebb
Winter is a time for going within, seeing where we are going, and assessing what shifts we may need to get on track. It\’s probably no coincidence that our New Year reflections also happen during this introspective period.
Life is moving toward our Highest Good. That doesn’t include JUST us, it includes everyone else, all life here, our planet. If we miss the signs for change and doing what’s in our collective Highest Good, the Universe may need to self-correct.
Our free will gives us choices in how we experience our world. How will we experience the Ebb? Will we panic, or will we trust? Will we lament our lack or look for previously-hidden doorways to abundance.
Will we exploit this time to be the architect of our life? Or will we go deeper into the “rabbit hole”? The Ebb may be our chance to reassess what seeds we need to sow, cozy our nest, dream our dreams … BE present, so know how to best apply ourselves BEFORE the tides turn.
Duality is NOT Absolute
We live in a world of duality … yes, the Ebb and Flow, the Yin and the Yang, black and white, expansion and contraction. Our minds want to label or define things/situations as good or bad. Our heart knows this is not Truth!
I have experienced the uncertainty of the Ebb and the thrill of the Flow. I know it can be difficult to just trust in and embrace the Ebb as exuberantly as the Flow for a variety of reasons. However, I assure you when you become more mindful of life’s signs and patterns, there is peace in knowing that something big is sure to follow any flow.
We are receiving gifts in the Ebb just as we are experiencing lack within the Flow. Nothing is absolute, so push yourself to stop viewing our wonderful world in this way! There is plenty of time! Breathe … BE.
Observe how you are resisting the natural process of life. Where are you missing the positive by closing off your awareness once your mind sees the negative? Nothing is absolute. Look further/deeper!
Awareness = The Power of Choice = The Power to Change!
Trust and faith… these are not easy conditions for us as humans, especially given the sheer volume of negativity in our media. Is this ironic or by design? It is in the space of trust and faith and awareness that we find peace.
Be aware. Expand your view. Look to nature; it seeks balance and harmony. Surrender … All Is Well!
Sending you a loving embrace,
release that which no longer serves you ...
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shared with The Wellness Universe on this date
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