[This interview was conducted and published by a wellness group in April, 2019. At that time I was a FOUNDING MEMBER. During my tenure, I was thrilled to be cited in their ultimate "BEST HELP" wellness practitioners list! I think I was selected to be interviewed for this feature based upon the significant amount of spiritually-focused and self-help blogs I had written for their site. I've since resigned my membership after personally experiencing lack of integrity in dealing with the organization's primary owner. Today, most of my content has been deleted from their site; but today a Facebook memory somehow guided me to this long-forgotten-to-me interview. I am grateful to share this information with you!. May it offer insights and clarity on who I AM and what I'm offering. ๐๐งก๐๐๐๐๐ค You can read addition information on the ABOUT KRISTI and the Healing Resonance llc Frequently-Asked Questions pages of my site.]
The founder of Healing Resonance LLC with Kristi Borst.
Hello Kristi, will you please tell us about yourself?
Hi, everyone. Thank you for the opportunity to share with you today. I am a natural-born quantum mind-body-spirit-emotions healer. My body, voice, energy, aura, and connection to Spirit/Source/God/Love offer a healing resonance which shifts others to their zero-point of inner peace and balance.
As I work with clients, they are able to jump forward to greater levels of joy and wellness. I tend to shy away from labels because for much of my life and like many of us, I was unknowingly living a smaller version of myself than I am here to express.
When I was a toddler, I spontaneously healed a physical wound I’d sustained and was ordered to shut down my abilities. My healing resonance is fundamental to who I am, so for years, I was living only a shadow of myself. For the last ten years, I have been letting go of limitations and stepping out of the boxes I had previously allowed to contain me.
Kristi, what is it that inspires you?
For many years, I felt self-critical and that just didn’t really fit in. I now understand that I don’t fit in because I am here to be a leader and celebrate what makes me different.
I believe each of us is part of the light of the world. I love empowering others to drop all pretense and just BE their unique selves. We have been told not to be “too full of ourselves” and yet this is exactly what we are here to do; Be ourselves!
Will you please tell us what you call yourself and explain what it is that you do?
Although I am trying to release labels, I’ll play along nicely! (laughs). I am the founder of Perspective Reboot® which is a quantum-level energy balancing-clearing-healing process. The process heals childhood trauma, releases stuffed emotion that may be causing physical pain and disease, disengages obsolete programming and self-limiting beliefs, and resets self-healing with the body intelligence and individual body organs.
I am also a minister of The Universal Light, Usui Reiki Master [2023 Mantra Reiki Master Teacher], Spiritual Counselor, and a registered behavioral therapist. Ultimately, I am an eternal being expressing physicality as Kristi Borst, and I’m here to help myself and others reach a truer version of themselves.
How exactly does that help someone?
In all aspects of our physical world, thought and planning precede physical creation. Think about your phone, house, even your meals. Someone created a plan and gathered materials prior to creation. This is also true within our bodies.
Physical pain and disease we experience can be the result of something non-physical that’s been at work for a while. I am able to talk to and positively affect physical body parts. I’m also attuned to sensing the traumas, heavy emotions, and self-limiting beliefs which may have created the “soil” in which disease or pain have taken root.
As we release what no longer serves us, the body’s natural intelligence is free to heal. Miracles are seen with energy medicine because of the healer, but more so because the natural body seeks its balance and wellness. Through my Perspective Reboot® integrative energy healing, the person is able to see and seize their own power and learn to create deeper levels of wellness and joy.
Why are you so passionate about helping people become empowered and gain more self-mastery?
I believe we each are here to animate a unique aspect of Spirit/Source/God/Love. When we are in pain or unhappy, we are not radiating that Love fully out into our world. As people release that which doesn’t serve them, they also release what doesn’t serve the Highest Good.
I am grateful, humbled, and still amazed at the life-changing results of working with others, sharing my message and artwork, and merely showing up as ME.
Did any specific life experience prompt you to follow this path?
Despite that shutting down my abilities disconnected me in part from Source, I was allowed to express and nurture my artistic, creative, and writing abilities. For many years, I served as a graphic artist and marketing agent for small businesses. About ten years ago, my passion switched to obligation. I wondered “what am I going to do for the rest of my life?”
No answer came, so I focused on “what do I like doing in the broadest sense?” This answer came easily; “Helping others!” I focused on that feeling and practiced what I was learning about mindfulness, being present, etc.
In 2011, I was driving down the highway and had a near collision with
an American Bald Eagle. He flew up my minivan windshield, obscuring my
view for what seemed like seconds but was likely a mere fragment of a
second. That encounter seemed to reawaken something in me and set me on a
course of rediscovery. Within days, I saw an ad for a Reiki class and
signed up. Doors opened and my heart opened! [I have recently added distance and in-person REIKI SESSIONS to my offerings!]
I had another significant experience at the end of 2012, while on vacation in Sedona. Synchronicity and Spirit guided me to a homeless veteran, helping to heal and release his guilt and inner pain over the loss of his platoon. I marveled that Grace had brought me from Maine to Sedona, supposed land of the great healers, to assist one who lived there. It was a deeply spiritual experience on many levels. Shortly thereafter my reawakening abilities came more fully back “online.”
How long have you been doing this?
Shortly after returning from Sedona, I became more aware when I could help and began assisting those who would take my offer to assist. In March 2013, I opened Healing Resonance LLC with Kristi Borst. For the last six years, I have been offering private, couple’s and group healing work in-person in southern Maine and by Skype or phone worldwide.
In 2015, synchronicity unfolded, and I held my first international Self-Empowerment and Awakening workshop as part of a group trip to Machu Picchu, Peru. That trip was amazing, not only for the experiences within the workshop. Arriving at and walking around Machu Picchu ignited a number of waking memories of this beautiful place as “my home.”
Will you share a story of how you have made a difference in someone’s life?
In 2015, I was a guest on Expanding Awareness radio out of Boston. I spoke about our ability to heal past-present-and-future. A woman heard me on the show and scheduled a session with me. She had lived through some unspeakable abuse as a child. Years of therapy hadn’t helped, and she was surviving, but not thriving.
We had a one-hour session by phone. It was a significant Perspective Reboot®! A few months later, she wrote, telling me she was planning her first vacation ever. Although she had never felt suicidal, prior to our session she had awoken each day praying it would be her last. She’d never planned a vacation because she couldn’t bear the thought of being alive so far into the future. She even wrote a song for Healing Resonance with Kristi Borst.
Additional examples of physical healing are shared on my site and in TESTIMONIALS.
What’s next on the horizon for you?
I have recently added a second location in greater Boston, for in-person Perspective Reboot® sessions and Spiritual Guidance and Empowerment Readings. While I am able to help people all over the world by phone, many people do prefer to work in person.
I really want to get into podcasting, sharing my empowerment healing messages.
Thank you so much for sharing today, Kristi! Do you have any final thoughts?
We have been sold the story that free will is a curse on humanity; it is actually one of our Super Powers. We have the power to choose our reality. On some level, happiness is always a choice. Just as there is always something to be upset about, there are likely many more things to be happy about.
Until we see happiness and wellness as a choice, the choice may as well not exist. Awareness = The Power of Choice = The Power to Change. The bonus is, the more we see and choose love, the more we get to live in a love-filled space of being. See(ze) your power and be that unique aspect of Love that only you can be.
Kristi Borst, PhD
release that which no longer serves you ...
Schedule Your Perspective Reboot® Healing Session with Kristi
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Get a signed copy of "This Little Light of Mine", Kristi's chapter in BE THE BEACON or of "The Vibe to Thrive" in UNMUTED VOICES, when you buy direct.
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