When we realize that much of our judgment toward ourselves and toward others is based in fear, we can step back unemotionally and assess if that concern is even still valid for us. It could just be an old 8-track looping through our minds. Many times it's an "I'm not good enough" or "I don't want to stand out" track that we really need to shelf. Yet, when we can bring thoughts and fears which are no longer serving us or protecting us into our conscious minds, we have amazing opportunities for growth. It is in that moment of conscious clarity that we become Creator of past, present and future.
During the show I illustrated this point by talking about my toes. For most of my adult life, I was ashamed of my toes. In fact, despite some genetic resemblance to other family members' feet, I thought my feet were ridiculous looking. For me, it was the second toe on my right foot. Longer than the toes beside it, it made me feel freakish when I was bare-footed or in sandals. All I could see when I looked at my foot was that one toe. And, like most things that we have assessed and cataloged, I never really looked my foot with open eyes again.