Healing Resonance
Healing Resonance

with kristi borst

... release that which no longer serves you!

Kristi's Blog

Reverend Kristi BorstMuch of what seems so real in this physical dimension is not the entire Truth of who we are and/or what we can do. Over the last decade, I have allowed myself to both explore and expand beyond the physical, mental and emotional boundaries I thought were rigidly in place in this "reality". What I found was an aspect of Self that I had forgotten was there. I offer these wonderings and wanderings as an invitation to see beyond "what meets the eye", MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and "why can't I?" in your life!

Read, ponder, explore the depths of yourself. Although our eyes focus outward, we are primarily here to see and change ourselves. If you want to go deeper in your healing and release more quickly, let's work together. These writings are not short ... but the world is full of insightful one-liners which haven't managed to fully communicate to and shift heart and soul. I remain ever hopeful ... Much love, Kristi

PS If my writing and these healing codes help lift you, consider using the energy exchange button on this page, which helps me fund this site and my open sharing. My articles, initially published for third-party sites, have been reposted here to ensure long-term access. Please consider a like/follow of HealingResonancellc on FB or Instagram to be sprinkled with Love and Light.

Showing posts with label Kristi's Blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kristi's Blog. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

The Amazing Benefits of Healing Childhood Pain and Trauma

... and Releasing Self-Limiting BeLIEfs!

Woman and girl crouch by tree. Graphic representation of current adult self working with inner child self through Kristi Borsts Perspective RebootR spiritual healing process.

Do you …

  • have a conscious knowledge and bad memories of childhood trauma, neglect, abuse, shaming, or abandonment?
  • feel like SOMETHING's MISSING in your life, but “on paper” you’ve got it all?
  • feel like you SHOULD be happier? You’d like to be happy but cannot easily laugh, feel awe/joy/ inner peace?
  • feel stalled or stuck in some way? You cannot pinpoint what your next move should be or have TROUBLE MAKING DECISIONS?
  • find yourself SELF-SABOTAGING RELATIONSHIPS? You shut down when things get “too real”?
  • feel really angry much of the time? Feel like you cannot love yourself?
  • observe that your EMOTIONS ARE sometimes really EXTREME? Someone says or does something most people would consider minor, yet you respond with or feel extreme rage, sadness, frustration, rejection, loneliness, (fill in an emotion of upset)?
  • “suddenly” find yourself sick or have developed a MAJOR DISEASE, despite eating well and taking care of yourself? Perhaps you even developed an illness in your teens or earlier?

Being traumatized in your childhood or not being nurtured in a way you needed/craved may be at the core of each of these circumstances and conditions. Understanding the role of the inner-child can help us to both identify with and step-up to a greater version of self.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

MultiDimensional Healing ~ Mind, Body, Spirit, Emotions

Russian Nesting Dolls illustrate our multidimensional nature. Perspective Reboot® with Kristi Borst

The Myriad Aspects of YOU

In my spiritual counseling and healing ministry, I see us energetically, emotionally, and even to an extent physically, like these Russian (Matryoshka) Nesting Dolls. In this sense, we are complex, multi-dimensional and multidimensional. Even our experiencing of life is not only in the present moment. Sometimes we are living through the eyes of past woundings and/or future tense fears or beLIEf in lack. 
Do you know where the myriad aspects of YOU stand? It's important for us to look at

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

7 Tips for Building a Strong Marriage

7 tips for building a strong marriage, kristi borst phd, author and husband at grand canyon

While it’s an accomplishment to achieve a long marriage, there are more measures of success than years alone. My husband, Joe, and I have been married for 40 years, 39 of those years blissfully. Statistics show that many marriages end in the early years, and we most certainly could have been among those as I nearly self-sabotaged this relationship in our fifth year of marriage (more on that later).

Perhaps you’ve heard that 50% of all marriages end in divorce? This statistic was true in 1980 (the year we married) but, since that time, the divorce rate has been on the decline. You’ll find many updated statistics online (interestingly they are largely served up by divorce attorneys). Philip N. Cohen, a sociologist at the University of Maryland College Park, notes that from 2008 to 2018 divorce rates among women fell by 18%. (1)

Our focus and obsession with divorce can ultimately be a large part of the problem. It was for me. READ MORE

Friday, May 8, 2020

Chaos Creates Expansion and Room for Reorganization and Balance

crystal grid, seemingly in disarray
There is expansion, symmetry, balance, love, light even amid what some might call "chaos" or "a crisis". There is no need to "rush in to fix things"! Our first reaction will likely not come from a place of love; we may respond with fear and finger pointing.

But we are each/all co-creating what we see, what we experience, what we feel! We cannot change that creation until we see all of its sides in 3D. We have to understand that what benefits only a few, likely hurts many. If, individually, we want a world that is better for us, we have to create a world that is better for all.

Love thy neighbor as you love thyself because when we hurt another, we ultimately hurt ourselves, We may not see that in this moment, but it will follow us through all time/space ... in Time all Truths will be Known.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Finding Peace Through the Ebb and Flow of Life

I sat down in dawn’s early light to make notes for the attached video from my FB Live Wellness Moment. As the sun came through the window, this beautiful rainbow illuminated my note pad. I took it as a sign of LOVE, assurance, trust, gratitude … peace.

Life/nature shares signs of positivity. How often do we miss these light-filled signs?

All Is Well

For much of my adult life, I missed life’s signs that All Is Well. I based my happiness upon what the media was telling me, what I perceived to be the rejection/acceptance of me by others, how busy I was … heck, even based upon whether the sun was shining or it was raining.

Eventually, I started to see the balance of life. I opened my awareness to rain’s gifts upon all life in our world. Now, when I initially perceive a negative situation, my Higher Knowing moves me to seek out and find the gift. This is a huge win-win strategy for finding peace and understanding that in each moment All Is Well!

Thursday, March 26, 2020

GO! Fly Free! Life IS Going According To Plan ...

Imagine one thing ... just one moment you've felt REJECTION or LOSS ~ Open your seeing of that moment as your life path's auto correct, meant not to root you, but to shift you ... GO! Fly free! Love, Kristi
There are many times in our lives when situations seem to change beyond our control or even beyond our worst imagining. We may experience this as (1) the loss of a friend, family member, lover, (2) being passed over for a promotion, living arrangement, deeper relationship, (3) having a physical accident and injury, or (4) getting very ill mentally or physically.

Human nature and prevailing Western culture whines "why did this happened TO ME?" Yet our expanded awareness shows us that "this may actually be happening FOR ME!" How can loss and rejection of those we love, jobs that support us, living arrangements that seem to be working be happening FOR YOU, you may ask?

Perhaps rather than being comfortable and safe, or perhaps because of that, these placid life circumstances may not actually be serving your strengths, your higher quest for soul growth, your ability to touch others' lives, your evolution toward unconditional love!

Monday, March 16, 2020

Life Evolving Beyond Fear ~ Return to Center

I am offering 1/2 hr phone sessions for Emotional Calming/Light/Love                            207-216-0473

"Life Evolving Beyond Fear" ©2020 KristiBorst.com
"Life Evolving Beyond Fear" illustrates our forward-upward
movement, in unity. Rather than being consumed by fear,
we are being offered choices and the power to BE
light, love, trust, compassion, hope
in spite of and above fear!
Hello friends,

I sat down to create an image on 3/10 and "Life Evolving Beyond Fear" emerged. Use it to help identify and release fear and obsolete programming as we ascend toward a new, more global, and empowered consciousness. Other tools and suggestions follow.
As the snake sheds its skin, we can shed what is holding us back
from embodying love, light, compassion, hope, faith, trust!
It is prudent to follow safe hygiene guidelines, but it's best to do so without fear. Fear is an anti-building block within own auto-immune systems, within our relationships and within our world! Rather than lament cancellation of plans, events, even work, take this time for self-reflection, healing, and evolution beyond fear.
Reflect on where you are/have been living, emotionally and vibrationally.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Life's Transitions, Empowering YOU!

Back of man's head with many thoughts swirling "When your expecations keep pecking at your happiness, come back to present. Then, redirect your vantage point from your head to your heart.
Often inner strife is due to reality being far removed from what we wanted to happen or thought would happen ... the friendship you thought would be everlasting, a league of friends you vibe with, the optimal job of your dreams, a living arrangement that seemed like "the perfect fit". Why do we experience endings?

If you're like me, when you have a "good thing" you want it to last. This may rarely happen in the "real world". These transitions make sense when we understand that we EACH are on a journey of growth and expansion. Our evolution may be incompatible with our quest for stability and/or longevity of engagement with a person, place or situation.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

When Grief Arrives during the Holidays

Feel love enfold you, encouraging you to LIVE! There is perhaps no better way to honor the love we've shared than to move forward, claiming our best possible life!

For some people, “losing a loved one” can put the brakes on living life and cloud the holidays with sadness. But what if that person has stepped aside FOR us to help us shift to another timeline, to find our inner strength, to grow?!? What if our being stuck is also holding THEM back? What if they are not LOST?

Death of the physical body is only “the end” if WE close that door to our continued connection. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2019


chakra colors and swirling colors combine in this energy-in-form healing art creation ©Kristi Borst
"All is Well, All is Forgiven" ©2013 Kristi Borst

You have a Presence,
It's a power and connectedness
... YOUR True Self!

It's hard to find that Presence
in past-tense wrongs,
future fears, darkness.

Yet the Presence is so close
not in the heavens, but within ...
You help it exist.

In focusing on what feels not enough
You're looking through 'distorted
glass' of your own creation.

You remain stuck because
you've defined yourself
within an illusion.

Your seeing the illusion
is all it takes
for it to crumble.

You are THAT powerful.
Now that you have eyes
to see you can change!

As each sees their mis-creation,
steps forward in the Presence,
all vibration/matter/life is lifted.

You can/do/will change the world!


Namaste ... I SEE you,


Tuesday, July 16, 2019

These 7 MAJOR CHAKRAS Offer Insights for Your Improved Health and Happiness PLUS Gateways to Natural Healing

Chakra Healing Love denotes Kristi's love-based interpretation of healing energy for each of the seven major chakras.
This is one of my energy-in-form healing artwork pieces. It is available as a 12"x36" or 36"x12" print to use for self-balancing your chakras. You can view my artwork online HERE!
Many times the past can bring clarity to what's happening now. Our decisions, even those made unconsciously, affect our path, our outlook, and even our physical wellness. This is especially true if we are carrying "junk in the trunk" or otherwise lugging an emotional backpack behind us!

If you are struggling with physical illness, particularly one which doctors and tests cannot explain, I invite you to look beyond the symptoms, look beyond our body because you are so much more than that! You are a composite of genetics, nature, nurture, mind, emotions, spirit, and ENERGY!

We have many CHAKRAS in our bodies; this energetic and spiritual system is part of the subtle, non-visible dimensions that run our bodies. The chakras are energy centers (in some ways similar to the meridians used in acupuncture). I personally "see" the chakras as a type of snap system ... how we, as spiritual beings/thought/consciousness, connect in with our physical bodies.

When these juncture points become blocked, the flow of life force energy within the body is hindered. Chakra clearing and balancing is an important part of maintaining and/or improving your health. A healing session focused on the chakras can provide emotional healing and release blocks within the body's natural healing mechanisms. If you're tired of feeling sick or "stuck" in some way, then opening your chakras may be just the revitalization you need.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Autoimmune Disease ~ A Holistic Approach to Health

When I started my holistic energy healing practice in 2013, I was amazed by the almost literal connection between our perspectives on life and the physical ailments in our bodies.

Today, it makes perfect sense!

Louise Hay was a forerunner in identifying and documenting these parallels. Her book “How to Heal Your Body” is on my suggested client resources list.

As Above, So Below:

Here on Earth and perhaps throughout our universe, energy always precedes physical creation! Someone gets an idea for a new product or structure, they create a plan, they find resources for manufacture or fabrication, and a product or structure is born.

Similarly, within our bodies, there is an interplay of mind-spirit-emotions that impacts the physical body. Illness is not “all in our heads,” but our thoughts and emotions DO affect our bodies.

I have witnessed how our beliefs, attitudes, and even the way we talk to ourselves can affect and hinder the body’s innate healing intelligence. Fortunately, healing is nearly always possible!

Was Blind but Now I See:

Friday, April 19, 2019

Ways to Nurture Our Mother Earth

April 22, 2019, Is Our Tenth Annual "International Mother Earth Day"!

illustration of earth Gaia with her chakras, crystaline gridwork, flower of life, light language
On my Free Videos page, I offer a guided meditation for Connecting with Gaia, Our Mother Earth which might serve as a deepening to this message.

See and Celebrate Our Mother Earth

In 2009, the United Nations created "International Mother Earth Day". I love this more expansive naming of April 22 beyond "Earth Day",
"The Earth and its ecosystems are our home … It is necessary to promote harmony with nature and the Earth." The term Mother Earth is used because it "reflects the interdependence that exists among human beings, other living species and the planet we all inhabit".1

"International Mother Earth Day" It Is!

Many cultures around the globe celebrate the Earth as sustainer of all life here. Those who are sensitive to the energy and messages of/from the Earth share that she is craving our awareness and support! We can easily assist in big and small ways.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Are You Tethered to A Safety Net? Break Free and Soar

cartoon with woman releasing chain to float with a balloon into the clouds

Are you connecting, to varying degrees, with a greater purpose for your life?

Or perhaps you’re not quite at that point but know your current job is “just a job.” You know there’s something more out there for you, but you haven’t fully connected. Like me, have you been wearing multiple hats cultivating your dream while working a “day job?”

Most of us need a day job. It provides for our here and now; it helps fuel where we want to go. When we focus on these benefits, the day job seems to provide security and balance; but there are downsides.

Monday, February 4, 2019

Four Ways to Find and Connect with Forgiveness

Two hands in red gloves forming a heart-shape with "Forgiveness" in the heart.

Where Does Forgiveness Come From?

Forgiveness reigns within the heart. It's not something we have to create, it's already there. We all have hearts, so forgiveness should be easy. Why is it so hard for many of us to forgive?

As children, we knew how to forgive and live from our heart space. Perhaps at some point it became too painful? Or, maybe once we got into a “mainstream school system” we learned to focus on the mind more than the heart?

I believe we experience more pain in this head-space, living separated from our heart-based selves. We tend to push pain out, away from ourselves. This is how we hurt one another. It is a cycle that can create a disparity between truth and Truth.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Healing through Integrative Energy Medicine: Balancing Mind Body Spirit Emotions

image from the wellness universe with energy healing patient

We Have Incredible Self-Healing Bodies:

For many, the system seems to have gone awry. Many people are healthy yet don’t feel well. Others “have everything” but feel empty, sad, lost. Cutting out body parts or ingesting chemicals with myriad side effects has become the norm in our medical system. While we have gained relief from infectious disease, in many cases, we have lost the intimacy of healthcare which sees and addresses the whole person in an integrative approach.

What’s Your Dis-Ease Telling You?

Multidimensional or integrative healing (mind-body-spirit emotions), is largely experiential and unique for each person. In 1976, Louise Hay thoroughly documented associations between dis-ease and ailments of specific body parts. “Heal Your Body … The Mental Causes for Physical Illness and the Metaphysical Way to Overcome Them” was an invaluable tool for me as a new practitioner.

Release that which no longer serves you through individual and group healing sessions. As an integrative quantum healer, I know that fear, anger, hatred, regret, grief, and victimhood create an environment which restricts the human body\’s natural abilities to self-regulate and self-heal. Essentially, this internal dis-ease can eventually translate to physical disease. The great “news” is that when the root of dis-ease is removed when the client is able to release emotional stories that are based in illusion when love replaces its “denser counterparts,” the body seeks and more easily attains balance, perfection, health, wellness, and joy.

What’s Got You Stuck?

One of my first client healing sessions in 2013 was with a friend who had shoulder pain and immobility. He’d been told that nothing could be done for him short of surgery. He knew of my services and figured he had “nothing to lose.” When I touched his shoulder, I became aware of his angry and hostile feelings toward his father. It was almost literally stuffed full of unprocessed rage and anger.

His session focused on seeing these feelings from his current adult view and not that of the child who was powerless. He experienced an amazing release of toxic emotions and “energy blocks.” His body responded immediately. He left the session more flexible and pain-free. More than five years later, he has no issues with his shoulder.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

In the Presence of Love

Love Is by Kristi Borst
caption from image ~ The more you stay in the space of love, the more you find yourself in happiness. Society/life/humanness lures us into a place that questions love's existence, that questioning pulls us away from love and love's embrace. We question, and that creates a resistance which reinforces the idea of separation from what we eternally are when we give up the resistance. L O V E is. See & heal your resistance ... and you've found an exit route from illusion! 

For many of us, peace is a dream. There are so many things that bother us, whether it's news of world happenings, things happening in our town, strife at work or home, and/or inner turmoil. We cannot change things external to us, until we have changed within. Otherwise we actually increase our lack of peace and resistance ... Awareness = The Power of Choice = The Power to Change!

I invite you to accept, for ever increasing moments each time you think of it, that the core of your essence is Love. From this understanding, we find the root back to love is within. It is not outside of you!

Monday, November 12, 2018

Raising the Bar As We Shift

Have you heard about "The Shift"? I've been reading about the current lunar phases and hearing others say how intense the energies are. (We are affected by energies within our bodies, energies from our Earth, energies from our Moon, energies from the Sun, energies from our Galaxy, energies from beyond our Universe ... and so on.)

When I read about a solar flare, moon phase, etc.,

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

A Shift in Consciousness

Status quo does not yield change; conflict brings change. Many of those currently in the political arena (who society may deem as inappropriate) may actually be serving humanity and a massive consciousness Shift at this time. They are giving a voice and face to darkness, anger, judgment, disparity, self-servitude ... raising it from an unspoken undercurrent to a place in which it can be assessed by our public and personal consciousness.

When we are triggered, it's likely that heavy emotion is seeded in a long-ago story, written in illusion, not Truth. Something this "other" has said or done has poked us like a pin in a spot where we are holding that same vibration. If things make you angry, sad, etc., ask yourself "why?" "Where is this coming from?" "How do I walk through the world in this way?" "Is it a present behavior/belief?" "Is it an old behavior/belief I've not forgiven within myself?" See how you walk through the world similarly to this person and change.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Love Never Dies!

My client Elizabeth had to make the tough decision to let go of her sick 14-year-old border collie Sadie on Saturday night. We worked together in person this morning, clearing heavy emotions and finding guidance on what comes next.

Messages came through that may be of help for others in dealing with "loss" of not only furry but also human loves ...